
National Suit Russian folk costume for over 150 years since the end of XVIII century to the late 20-ies of XX century, much has changed. This process was continuous: some elements disappear and others appear. Changes have occurred due to internal development, and under the influence of external factors, primarily the European fashion. In the XVIII century, its influence on the folk costume is still insignificant. It is manifested mainly in a festive costume relief: for example, in occasions stopped carrying several coats at the same time, rudd, worn over kokoshniks, were replaced by shawls, oriental silk brocade fabric gave way to the domestic production of fabrics with patterns of Western European type. The inclusion in the national dress clothing elements of the European model started only in 20-30s of the XIX century. When you borrow, in most cases going organic connection of the national Russian and European elements. Often not even possible to separate the traditional costume of a European element. So, for example, can not be considered entirely or wholly European Russian tradition of using women as a headdress tattoos, made of tissue, slaughtered pins, gloves, Wristguards, etc. However, there is a suit and things that are defined by how soon borrowed - is galoshes, hats, umbrellas, muffs, etc., changed Russian suit and under the influence of tra conventionally clothing neighboring peoples: the Norwegians, the Nenets, Aboriginal Siberia, North Caucasus. It included a number of articles of clothing people - sovik, jumper, torbaza, malakhai, chekmen, etc., which was due to natural conditions, unusual for Russian, with new classes for them (commercial fishing, reindeer herding), as well as trade relations between the E nations.
Internet Safety In the past year in the journal Sanadian Security Magazine Jennifer Brown left a note on the issues of safety and security of hpp. The article says that the primary measures aimed at reducing risks in the systems of safety and security of hpp is "to develop and implement a plan of compliance audits of security and safety of existing measures and standards," Brown writes that in the past, risk assessment of existing security systems was carried out using a pen and paper. Today, to be replaced by new technologies, specifically - softovye program D3 Security Management Systems and Asvaco Threat Risk Assessment, which developed on the basis adopted in the U.S. and Canada standards for protection and safety of the U.S. Federal Agency for Emergency Management (Federal Emergency Management Agency). Using existing programs caused also by the fact that develop their own systems, which would be in addition to general safety standards take into account also features of its objects, is too costly and labor-intensive bc Hydro uses the program to evaluate the four risk-level safety and security facilities. The first risk include Building a small area with several rooms inside. Three others cover more and more complex objects, and provide protection against terrorist attacks and other emergencies. "For example, the program helps virtual enter the possible intentions of potential criminals, detailed the picture of possible actions to overcome security systems during the attack. Develop strategies for anti-terrorism is essential component of improving the protection of modern power plant ". In 2007 and 2008 with the help of computer technologies have been assessed for risk protection strategies for more than two-thirds of all objects. Fully such work will be completed by the end of 2009. You will then be developed and put into action a plan to strengthen the...

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