
Emotions For example, a woman has not formed a friendship with her girlfriends and every time the period for the joy of gaining a new friend, there is disappointment in him and the rupture of relations. The reason most painful parting in her opinion it was an attempt to humiliate or to use the friendship for personal gain. As it turned out, as a child, she experienced the pain of betrayal girlfriend. And the circumstances of her life were associated with situations suppression, in which she had to prove their value and the right to be themselves. As a result, new friendships do not add up because of two disproportionate reactions: 1) permanent doubt the sincerity of the relationship because of expectation of betrayal and use and 2) needs to prove its relevance to defend its position. Click Chase Koch for additional related pages. These reactions have emerged and escalated into conflict, whenever the behavior of her friend something like the situation past. In this case, conflicts arose with people who have respect for her sincere friendship and respect. As a result, communication becomes a periodic determination of relations and accusations that eventually destroys the friendship. Each new disappointment strengthens the stereotype, and reduces the chances of the possibility of a harmonious friendship. Third, the long and often experienced negative emotions create a general negative mood, respectively, which attracts a similar situation. Also, negative emotions drain strength, create energy blockages that slow or block the normal movement energy and lead to a weakening of the body, and eventually to disease. In the aura of a man for a long time suffer the negative emotions (fear, resentment, anger, rage, jealousy, envy, etc.) appear dimmer, turbidity, clots, blotches of dirty colors. Their appearance disrupts the energy centers. And in addition to disease creates...
Japanese Reiki Masters We live in a time in which according to surveys always more people have a desire to be advised in respect to their health holistically. While health reform entails always more doctors have always less time for consultation of their patients and are limited always more through regulations in the choice of their livelihoods. At once by health insurance always holistic and less natural, alternative methods are recognized and thus not more positions within reach of the patient through the reimbursement of their costs. To cause this, the desire of large groups of the population of a holistic treatment in his health through the public health system is not fulfilled. This situation has emerged a growing market of alternative health offers you the user have to pay privately. Because at the same time the chasm between rich and poor always opens more, a great need for alternative relaxation techniques there are holistic and self-coaching to maintain health that are also within the scope of people who have less money than others. Here is a technique of Japanese culture that has approximately 100 years which in Germany in the past 20 years has been known as Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese old expression created by the Japanese Buddhist, Mikao Usui, which in Spanish means so much as spiritual energy or cosmic force. Usui Sensei discovered Reiki, or rather its ability of being able to channel this force curative and daring, at the end of his retirement from meditation for 21 days on Mount Kurama in the Japan. Usui Sensei, who was a wise man, noticed that not each of which was capable of feeling this profound energy in such a way as he did. When shortly before his death a pensioned named naval officer Hayashi wine toward him, this gave him...

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